Permitted Occupants
The Grantham Beach Resort has a maximum number of permitted guests which is 30. If you arrive
with more than the permitted number of guests or have more than the permitted number of guests at
the Grantham Beach Resort at any time, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation and the cost of
your accommodation rental will be forfeited.
To guarantee a reservation at the Grantham Beach Resort, full payment must be made prior to the
reservation date .Guaranteed reservations at Grantham Beach Resort has a no refund policy, however
an alternative date can be picked by the person paying for the rental.
Excessive Wear & Tear
The person making and paying for the rental of the Grantham Beach Resort is financially responsible
for the cost of repairs arising from any damage beyond normal wear and tear including but not limited
to carpet/floor stains, interior wall damage, appliance repairs arising from improper use, window and
window covering damage, permanent linen stains, dry cleaning costs associated with stains, breakage,
theft, and any other damage noted on departure incurred, sustained or brought by any person
occupying or using the Beach House, caution fee will be forfeited.
Acceptance of Policies
By proceeding with a rental of accommodation provided by Grantham Beach Resort, you are
acknowledging that you have read, understood and accepted the booking policies, you agree to pay
the accommodation costs and associated fees, and you agree to the limitation of Grantham Beach
Resorts’ liability.
Limitation of Liability
Grantham Beach Resort will make every effort to ensure that the accommodation is provided as
described for the time reserved, or to provide alternate equivalent accommodation. Grantham Beach
Resort will make every effort to ensure that the accommodation is available, although may be subject
to change in the event of matters beyond our control including but not limited to loss of the
accommodation by fire, flood, a natural disaster, or other damage, changes of ownership, termination
of management services, changes in the law, or seizure or other loss of the accommodation property.
Beyond a refund of all payments made, Grantham Beach Resort assumes no responsibility or liability
arising out of the accommodation not being available or suitable. Grantham Beach Resort assumes no
responsibility or liability for injury, loss or damage arising out of the use or occupation of the